Free PDF The Best AD0-E906 - Adobe Workfront for Experience Manager enhanced connector Expert Test Result

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It can be said that our AD0-E906 study materials are the most powerful in the market at present, not only because our company is leader of other companies, but also because we have loyal users. AD0-E906 study materials are not only the domestic market, but also the international high-end market. We are studying some learning models suitable for high-end users. Our research materials have many advantages. Now, I will briefly introduce some details about our AD0-E906 Study Materials for your reference.

Adobe AD0-E906 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Technical Requirements: This section covers how to utilize Workfront Custom Forms effectively. Given a scenario, show how to manage documents.
Topic 2
  • Configuration: This section covers how to use the best practices for managing users. Apply procedural knowledge to adjust existing AEM asset workflows.
Topic 3
  • Business Practices: This section covers how to analyze client requirements to recommend suitable workflow strategies. Shows how to set up Workfront approval and proofing workflows. Given a scenario, identify optimal practices.
Topic 4
  • Installation and Configuration of Connector: This section covers how to verify prerequisites within AEM. Given a customer use case, identify which features of the connector need to be implemented.

Adobe Workfront for Experience Manager enhanced connector Expert Sample Questions (Q44-Q49):

While reviewing the customer's configuration, the consultant lists the following paths as existing within the customer's Experience Manager repository:
Which path must be deleted prior to the installation of the Enhanced Connector?

  • A. /Apps/dam/gui/content/folderschemaconfigproperties
  • B. /Apps/dam/gui/content/folderscheduleconfiguration
  • C. /Apps/dam/gui/content/foldermetadatasschemaeditor

Answer: C

Before installing the Enhanced Connector, the path /Apps/dam/gui/content/foldermetadatasschemaeditor should be deleted to avoid conflicts with the new configuration. This path relates to the older folder metadata schema editor, which can interfere with the Enhanced Connector setup.
Paths related to folder scheduling (folderscheduleconfiguration) and configuration properties (folderschemaconfigproperties) are not related to the Enhanced Connector and do not need to be removed.
Refer to the Enhanced Connector installation guide for specific details on preparing the AEM repository for the connector.

A customer finds an Ul issue with component (/apps/<customer-project>/<component-name>) on AEM page It needs to be fixed urgently to avoid miscommunication. The developer has been asked to urgently make the change in AEM production.
How should the developer deploy the change to an AEM Cloud Service production environment?

  • A. Fix the component on local AEM and create an AEM package for that specific component that can be deployed to Production using package Manager as a one-off urgent fix
  • B. Fix the Ul issue as part of the customer code base and deploy the change to immutable repository using Cloud Manage' pipeline
  • C. Due to the urgency of the request. Make the Ul fix directly to the component on AEM Production using CRXOE and then make same change to customer code bate

Answer: B

In AEM Cloud Service, the correct approach to making changes, even urgent ones, is to update the codebase and deploy it through the Cloud Manager pipeline. This ensures that the change is part of the version-controlled, immutable repository and follows best practices for deployment.
Immutable infrastructure: AEMaaCS does not allow direct modifications to production environments (e.g., via CRXDE Lite). All changes must be deployed through Cloud Manager, ensuring consistency and traceability.
Making changes directly on production via CRXDE or deploying one-off fixes using the Package Manager (Options B and C) violates AEMaaCS's immutable infrastructure principle and is not supported.
Refer to Adobe Cloud Manager's documentation for best practices on deploying urgent fixes in AEM as a Cloud Service.

A user wants to create watermarked renditions of only some of the assets in AEM Assets. Which workflow strategy should be used to achieve this goal?

  • A. Modify the DAM update Asset workflow model to include the Add Watermark process.
  • B. implement a new workflow process to generate a watermarked rendition of an asset. Modify the DAM Update Asset workflow model to include this workflow process.
  • C. Create a new workflow model that includes the Add Watermark process, and run this workflow on the desired assets.

Answer: C

To create watermarked renditions for only some of the assets in AEM, the best approach is to create a new workflow model that includes the Add Watermark process. This new workflow can be selectively applied to specific assets as needed, rather than modifying the global DAM Update Asset workflow which would affect all assets.
Selective application: By creating a custom workflow model, users can choose which assets will go through the watermarking process, providing more control and preventing unnecessary watermarking of all assets.
Option B and C suggest modifying the existing DAM Update Asset workflow, which could result in watermarking all assets, not just the desired ones, and is not flexible for specific asset selection.
Refer to AEM's workflow documentation for more information on creating custom workflows and adding watermark processes.

A company has a set of DAM assets related to 'hiking' Most of the assets have the keyword 'hiking'' In title and/or description in the metadata, and they are showing up in omnisearch while searching for 'hiking'. Another set of mountain assets are later added to the DAM without the 'hiking" keyword in their metadata.
what changes can be made to include the mountain assets in the top of the result while searching for hiking"?

  • A. In asset metadata editor, create and assign the 'hiking' tag to all mountain assets.
  • B. In asset metadata editor, add the keyword ''hiking' in search boosting to all mountain assets.
  • C. Add the keyword 'hiking' to the Content and Status of the mountain assets in metadata.

Answer: A

To include the mountain assets in the search results for "hiking" and ensure they show up at the top of the search, the best approach is to assign the 'hiking' tag to these assets. By using tags, you can enhance the discoverability of the assets without modifying their titles or descriptions. Tags are indexed and have a strong influence on search results in AEM.
Tagging assets is an efficient way to associate them with relevant topics or keywords, such as "hiking," which would improve their ranking in search results.
Option A suggests using "search boosting," which does not exist in AEM's metadata editor. Option C involves adding "hiking" to the content and status fields, which isn't the best way to influence search ranking and could clutter the metadata.
Refer to AEM documentation on metadata tagging and search optimization for more details.

A company calculates the benefit of a request based on the answers to 4 questions on a request custom form, this benefit value Is used to approve the request The values can be 0 through 15. Projects are then char ted in benefit groups as follows:
Level 1:0
Level 2: 1 - 5
Level 3: 6 10
Level 4 11-15

  • A. In addition to the calculated value on the request, what other calculation should be created to achieve this reporting
  • B. Use a value expression on the view to link to the source request object
  • C. Use a calculated expression on the protect custom field to calculate the benefit value
  • D. Use text mode on the grouping with an aggregator formula to link to the project form

Answer: B

In this scenario, the company is looking to group projects based on a benefit calculation from a custom form. The most efficient way to achieve this grouping and reporting structure in Adobe Workfront is by creating a value expression on the view. This method allows you to dynamically link the benefit value from the request object to other reporting structures, including the project object.
Value Expression on View: The value expression acts as a direct link between the custom form's calculated field and the reporting or view settings, enabling the system to pull the benefit value dynamically from the request.
Request Object Linking: By linking to the source request object through the value expression, it allows for seamless integration of calculated values into the project reporting view, ensuring that the benefit groups (Level 1-4) can be reported accurately based on the defined thresholds (0, 1-5, 6-10, 11-15).
This approach is more efficient compared to creating multiple calculated fields across different objects, and it allows for better maintainability and adaptability in future changes.
References from Adobe Workfront documentation emphasize the use of value expressions in reports and views for linking and utilizing calculated fields across different objects, enhancing the flexibility and power of custom reporting capabilities. Text mode is not necessary here because it is primarily used for custom formatting or more advanced use cases that don't involve simple value transfers between objects.
For more detailed information, you can refer to the official Workfront Help documentation on Custom Forms and Advanced Reporting Techniques in Adobe Workfront, where calculated fields and value expressions are thoroughly covered.


The Adobe Workfront for Experience Manager enhanced connector Expert (AD0-E906) exam dumps are real and updated AD0-E906 exam questions that are verified by subject matter experts. They work closely and check all AD0-E906 exam dumps one by one. They maintain and ensure the top standard of PrepAwayTest AD0-E906 Exam Questions all the time. The AD0-E906 practice test is being offered in three different formats. These AD0-E906 exam questions formats are PDF dumps files, web-based practice test software, and desktop practice test software.

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